“We, the First Presidency and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.”
("The Family: A Proclamation to the World," paragraph one)
Thought: “While our individual salvation is based on our individual obedience, it is equally important that we understand that we are each an important and integral part of a family and that the highest blessings can be received only within an eternal family.” —Elder Robert D. Hales
("The Family: A Proclamation to the World," paragraph one)
Thought: “While our individual salvation is based on our individual obedience, it is equally important that we understand that we are each an important and integral part of a family and that the highest blessings can be received only within an eternal family.” —Elder Robert D. Hales
Song: “Families Can Be Together Forever,” Hymn #300
Scripture: “But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” (Mark 10: 6–9).
• Read the first paragraph of the family proclamation together. Discuss why families are such an important part of God’s plan, and why each member of the family is important.
• Hold up a picture of the temple where Mom and Dad or another couple in the family was married, or use a photo of the temple where the family was sealed. Have family members share experiences of how they felt during these experiences. If your family has not yet been sealed in the temple, set goals together.
• Show the family a linked chain or necklace. Tell them that it represents the family linked through the sealing power throughout all the generations (past, present, and future). Demonstrate what happens if one of the links is broken.
Activity: Stack It!
This game teaches family unity. You will need a set of blocks (different sizes and shapes if possible), a score sheet, and a pen or pencil.
1. Create a score sheet with four vertical columns for four rounds, and three horizontal rows for teams (one for team one, another for team two, and a third left blank). Divide the family into two teams.
2. Have the teams alternate in stacking blocks, one block each turn, on top of each other until the stack of blocks tips over.
3. The team that causes the blocks to tip over receives no points. The other team receives five points. After the blocks have tipped over, use the score sheet to score the five points for the winning team in the column labeled “Round 1.”
4. Do the same thing for rounds 2, 3, and 4.
5. When the rounds are over, carry the numbers down each vertical column and put the total for each round in row 3 (instead of adding the points for each team by going across horizontally to the last column). Then add up the points in row 3 and put the total in the last column. You now have a combined score for both teams. Write “All of Us” in front of row 3.
6. Ask the family who gets more done: one person or team or all of us. To show that all of us is better, play the game over again, but this time have only one team: the whole family working together. When family members do it this way, the stack of blocks should go higher before tipping over. Point out that it’s better when we work together as a family.
[Fun For Family Night: Book of Mormon Edition, Allan K. Burgess and Max H. Molgard; Bookcraft, Inc.; 1990]
Refreshments: Pink Lemonade Ice Cream Pie
½ gallon vanilla ice cream (not vanilla bean flavor)
1 pkg. pink lemonade drink mix (not sugar-free)
1 graham cracker pie crust
1. Soften vanilla ice cream; stir in pink lemonade mix until completely mixed in and the mix is completely dissolved.
2. Pour into pie crust.
3. Cover and freeze. If desired, add pink food coloring.
[Favorite Family Recipes, Erica Walker, Emily Walker, Elise Donovan, and Echo Blickenstaff; Covenant Communications, Inc.; 2012]
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