Monday, June 8, 2009

Sharing Time: Seeking the Lord

This sharing time will engage the children in a game to help them learn principles that will strengthen their families.

Preparation: Obtain a small rock, a package of seeds, a bar of soap, and a coin. Familiarize yourself with the scriptures in the lesson below.

Presentation: Tell the children that they are going to learn about some principles of the gospel that will help strengthen them and their family. Explain that after they learn about each principle, they will play a game.

Faith. Tell the children that the Book of Mormon prophet Alma taught that faith is like a seed (see Alma 32:26-32). When we plant a seed, then take care of it and water it, it will grow. When we want to know the truth we "plant" the seed of faith. Then we take care of it by obeying the commandments and seeking the Lord's help. Our faith will grow and we will learn truth.

Ask the children what seek means (remind them of the game "hide and seek" if they need help). Tell them that they have to seek after faith. Show them the package of seeds. Explain that they are going to play a game of hide and seek. Ask one child to leave the room. Ask another child to hide the seeds somewhere in the room. Have the first child return and look for the seeds. Have the other children sing "Faith" (Children's Songbook, p. 96) as he looks. Sing louder when he gets closer and softer when he gets farther away. Once the child finds the seed packet, ask the children how faith can strengthen them or their family.

Prayer. Tell the story of Daniel in the lion's den (see Daniel 6:1-23). Reiterate that Daniel knew it was important to pray, even when others told him he shouldn't do it.

Show the children the small rock. Tell them that some people have a prayer rock they keep on their pillow to remind them to say their prayers every night. Play the hide and seek game again using the rock as the hidden object. Sing "Seek the Lord Early" (Children's Songbook, p. 108) as the child seeks the rock. Once the child finds it, ask the children how prayer can strengthen them or their family.

Repentance. Tell the story of Aaron teaching the Lamanite king. Once the King was converted to the church he was willing to "give away all his sins" to know God (see Alma 22:1-11, 15-18). Help the children understand that giving away your sins means repenting, or not sinning anymore.

Show the children the bar of soap. Explain that repenting cleans our spirit from sin just like soap cleans our bodies from dirt. Play the hide and seek game again using the soap as the hidden object. Sing "I Am a Child of God" (Children's Songbook, p. 1) as the child looks for the soap. Once the child finds it, ask the children how repentance can strengthen them or their family.

Forgiveness. Tell the parable of the unmerciful servant (see Matthew 18:23-35). Explain that God expects us to forgive others.

Show the children the coin. Explain to them that the talents and pence in the story are kinds of money. Play the hide and seek game again using the coin as the hidden object. Sing "How Firm a Foundation" (Hymns, no. 85) as the child seeks the coin. Once the coin has been found, ask the children how forgiving others can strengthen them or their family.

Bear your testimony of these principles of the gospel. Tell the children how they have blessed you and your family. Challenge them to seek these things in their own lives.

Image from image library